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July 29, 2005, 18:53
Defender of the faith
630 posts

User accounts save your age in stead of birthdate, this way account date will age quickly... :)

Account activation e-mail has a lot of new lines between the lines, perhaps you wanted this, but it looks sloppy to me.

Further, it's nice to see the site is finally open :)
July 31, 2005, 12:54
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Quoting PB:
User accounts save your age in stead of birthdate, this way account date will age quickly... :)
Do you mean save a date instead of a specific age? No point really. And I can't be arsed.

Account activation e-mail has a lot of new lines between the lines, perhaps you wanted this, but it looks sloppy to me.

I've never really noticed it to be honest.
July 31, 2005, 19:08
Defender of the faith
630 posts

Yes I ment you could better use a date instead of an int (or whatever you're using), but if you can't be bothered then who am I, right?

[Edited on July 31, 2005 by PB]
July 31, 2005, 19:12
1547 posts

You just need to kick Ferret to work. I think a birthdate would be better too - you can always show a calculated age then. Don't tell me that's so hard?
Personal website:
July 31, 2005, 21:11
Defender of the faith
630 posts

Having a birthdate also has as other advantages like the possibillity of displaying upcomming/current/recent birtdays of members...
August 1, 2005, 03:10
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

And why the hell would you wanna do that?
August 1, 2005, 04:15
722 posts

Because the users want it.
boredome is the bitter fruit of too much routine
August 1, 2005, 07:09
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Well anyway there's more important things to be getting on with.
August 1, 2005, 16:39
1486 posts

Do you think it would be possible to order the items in the menu alphabetically?
I see 57,005 people.
August 1, 2005, 16:58
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

You mean that menu at the side? That thing is just a bit of handwritten HTML, I couldn't be bothered doing anything special for the navbar, that seemed sufficient.
August 4, 2005, 01:46
1486 posts

Is there a links page?
I see 57,005 people.
August 4, 2005, 06:17
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Not yet.
August 7, 2005, 05:53
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

I'd like to suggest (again) that we have a points system rather than a post count for determining rankings. You gain points for contributive things such as submitting a file, rating a game, etc, and lose points for being disruptive e.g. spamming/trolling the forum. It'd be nice if users could somehow rate each other too... but I think this would have to be limited for it to work. Perhaps only allowing positive ratings, and not allowing someone to rate the same person more than once a week.

About the modules I wrote - the game galleries and the upload page. There were some suggestions about those posted before the forum was wiped - lets try and remember what they were. I think one of them was to have the comment admin page only display the last x comments instead of all the comments from the last x days. As for the others... I can't remember at the moment.

I'd like to suggest a few things about those parts actually, so we can discuss them before I try and implement them. I think the resources page should have, as well as a general reources gallery, separate pages for royalty free graphics, sounds and code snippets, and these pages should be layed out differently for each of these resource types. The sound page could have a link to preview each sound, for example, and the graphics page could be a grid of thumbnails. The idea for these pages would be that someone uploads sounds or graphics as a bundle in a zip file, then the approver downloads it, and ftp's the individual files into some kind of holding folder, then they fill in a form for each file, giving the author, category and all that stuff, and the php moves each file into its proper place in the downloads folder. I dont know - would this take too long for the approvers to do? Would they forget who made which files as they upload them? There's probably a better way of doing it. I wonder if there's a php function for extracting a zip file... Ferret would know more about that than me.

The other thing was the way the platforms, game/util types and genres work. I think they should be flags rather than just a single value, because a program might run on more than one OS, or it might fall into more than one category, etc. So the sorting thing would have to change to reflect that too. Oh yeah and I think we need a search function for the games pages. Although there was talk of having a site-wide search function anyway. How is that going to work, by the way?

Oh yeah - and the article categories. It doesnt really matter I guess, but maybe they should be stored like I've stored the other catetory types in the types table - rather than lines in a text field. Its not important right now but it might be useful later on for other things.

While I'm at it I might as well pimp my idea again for having a set of golden rules for the mission statement. The first one being that the site is run on the basis that all means of game development were created equal. That means no arguing about whethere Game Maker is better than Blitz Basic or whether Click & Create is a more valid tool than the Allegro library. Its ok to recognise the amount of work put into a game, however. So if one were comparing a 5-second Click and Create job with the equivalent created from scratch using C++ and Direct X, then it would be acceptable to declare the C++ program the superior one, based on the fair assumption that it would have taken a lot more time and effort to produce. It wouldn't be ok to simply say that all C++ programs are better than Click & Create programs. This would be discrimination based on chosen game dev means. If we all agree, I think that should be the site's main premise. Or something.
August 7, 2005, 11:39
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

The only compression supported on this server is BZip2 and ZLib.

No zip, sorry.
August 7, 2005, 14:33
722 posts

Quoting Frimkron:
If we all agree, I think that should be the site's main premise. Or something.

I think the site's main premise should be FLUNGESMACKLEGGMANWALRUSKOOKOOKAJOOBTUCH.

Actually your idea is better.
boredome is the bitter fruit of too much routine
August 7, 2005, 14:59
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

Quoting Ferret:
The only compression supported on this server is BZip2 and ZLib.

No zip, sorry.

Do you mean we can only upload BZip2 and ZLib or those are the only things we can extract via php? Explain yourself!
August 7, 2005, 16:38
1547 posts

About the modules I wrote - the game galleries and the upload page. There were some suggestions about those posted before the forum was wiped - lets try and remember what they were.

This is a suggestion after the forum was wiped: A downloadcounter for every WIP/full game would be appreciated :).

And I'm not sure if the rating system works correctly...there's now 4 votes, twice a 10 and twice a 1 (scale is 1 to 10 since half stars are possible) so shouldn't that be a 5.5/10 =6/10 = 3/5 stars instead of the 2 it has now?
Personal website:
August 7, 2005, 21:47
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

It's because it rounds down. I'll see what I can do there.

[Edited on August 7, 2005 by Frimkron]
August 7, 2005, 23:52
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Quoting Frimkron:
Quoting Ferret:
The only compression supported on this server is BZip2 and ZLib.

No zip, sorry.

Do you mean we can only upload BZip2 and ZLib or those are the only things we can extract via php? Explain yourself!
Duh, those are the only ones PHP can extract.
August 8, 2005, 00:54
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

That's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lame.

A small feature request: Well two actually: Large sig images should be scaled down and when you post an image larger than some max it shows a scaled down thumbnail linking you to a new window with the full version in it.
August 8, 2005, 15:25
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

The hard part about that is when you link to a remote file the only want to find out it's height and width is by copying it to the server and reading that, then deleting it.

Now this will make pages take a much longer time to open, and totally fuck up if there are permission problems.
August 8, 2005, 16:22
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

Scrollbars have saved the day!
August 8, 2005, 17:24
1547 posts

Hm one more suggestion concerning the downloads: maybe it should also be possible to add a comment without rating the game, so how about adding a "don't rate" option.
Personal website:
August 11, 2005, 18:24
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

Idea: Texture library.
August 25, 2005, 16:53
Frustrated Megalomaniac
703 posts

Just noting down ideas for myself:

* OS flags (filter)
* Genre flags (filter)
* HOF as flag - condition just makes them show on admin page for approval (filter)
* Multiplayer flag (filter)
* LAN/Internet flag (filter)
* Soup arcade flag (filter)
* Types: Full/WIP/Demo as value (filter flags)
* Dev tool as value (filter)
* Rating as value (order by)
* Downloads as value (order by)
* Upload date as value (order by)
- All search conditions

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Message Board > Site bugs/ideas > Idea's

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