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October 29, 2006, 14:09
t money
22 posts

here are some screens from the game i'm working on: escape from zombie city (programmed in fenix).

currently there are 2 playable characters a male and female cop. the male cop has a shotgun and a push off move to get away from the zombies, the female cop has a hand gun and grenades (zombie parts flying everywhere!!!). there will be at least one more playable character. and if anyone has a dreamcast, i'm trying to make this as compatable with the DC as possible. right now, other than a few color differences (it's a little darker on the DC), it's 100% compatable with the DC.

here the female cop is loading her gun.

here the male cop is being attacked by a zombie.

surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
October 29, 2006, 14:14
1547 posts

Hah, looking nice. So the basketball team turned zombie? :P

Also, as you are making it compatible with the dreamcast, will it be compatible with the GP2X? :)
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October 29, 2006, 14:22
t money
22 posts

i hadn't heard of the GP2X until just now. did a quick google search on it, it looks very interesting. is it easy to use?
surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
October 29, 2006, 14:57
1547 posts

Quoting t money:
is it easy to use?

I wouldn't know as I don't have one yet, but I am planning on getting one. Seems a rather cool (and useful) apparatus to me. Moogle and Quiest have one.
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October 29, 2006, 17:04
420 posts
That looks amazing, be sure to upload it here when you're done!
October 31, 2006, 01:17
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

I love zombie games!!!! looks good from the screenshots :)
I hope youll show more progress soon, I would realy want to play your game tmoney :)

good luck :P
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
October 31, 2006, 03:56
t money
22 posts

i'll post a link to a playable version pretty soon. right now there isn't a whole lot to the game other than trying to kill zombies (similar to woodys "the lobby"), but it's still pretty fun in my opinion. i finished making the other playable character i mentioned above, i'll probably show you more when i get another zombie or two or some other things accomplished.

[Edited on October 31, 2006 by t money]
surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
October 31, 2006, 04:17
203 posts
the lobby :D loved that game, and this one looks to deliver similar zombie slaughtering action

[Edited on October 31, 2006 by Caspah]
"clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. here i am, stuck in the middle with you." ~Stealers Wheel
October 31, 2006, 04:36
t money
22 posts

yes, i just realized i messed up the name, came back hoping no one noticed so i could fix it and you had to go and put it in quotes ;)
surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
October 31, 2006, 06:23
203 posts
just for you :D those crazy euros are asleep anyways
"clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. here i am, stuck in the middle with you." ~Stealers Wheel
November 12, 2006, 17:24
t money
22 posts

ok, here's the promised link to a VERY early version of my game "escape from zombie city." first let me describe the premise of the game:

it is the day after an outbreak of zombies in zombie city. you are one of three (for now anyway) police officers trying to evacuate the city. the idea is to get yourself and others to one of 4 potential city exits: the bridge, the docks, the airfield, or the woods. navigating throught zombie city will be different each time you play the game. your starting position will change, different streets will be blocked off, and not all of the exits will be available on any given play through (probably one to two exits will be unavailable per play through). additionally, i'd really like to have alternate stories depending on how a player plays the game (but i'm a long ways off from that).

what's actually in the demo:

although it will start up in a 320x240 window, you can change to FULL SCREEN in the options menu aswell as turn on the JOYSTICK capabilities (highly recommended! 4 buttons required). the other options within the options menu don't alter anything at the moment. although they appear in menus, "load game" and "2 player" games are not actually functional at the moment.


ctrl/joybutton1 - shoot/select option in menu or dialog box
r_shft/joybutton2 - secondary move (male cops have push off move, female cop throws grenade)
enter/joybutton3 - switch characters (you must "join up" with character first)
space/joybutton4(+ colliding with another character) - opens dialog box

f1- pause

if you're right next to another cop and press space/joybutton4 it will open a dialog box. at the moment these are very simplistic, but it will allow you to ask that character to "stick together" with you. if they agree (their response is random), you will be able to switch to that character and they will follow you.

for now, all the movement is east and west. you can cross to the other side of a street by going down below the scroll. the screen will fade out of the current scroll and fade into the opposite side of the street. similarly, you can move on to the next area if you've reached the edge of a scroll by walking past the scrolls edge (i've only got 3 sroll areas running for now, with you starting in the area farthest to the west/left).

as you play, the number of zombies increases. it starts off quite slow, but gets pretty intense. each zombie you kill is talied in the top right corner of the screen.

giver 'er a try, let me know what you think, and kill as many zombies as you can. i've gotten into the 500s! beat that!

escape from zombie city
surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
November 12, 2006, 18:29
1194 posts

It's fun to play, animations are cool. There's one thing bugging me: this is a sidescroll shootem' up, but the zombies attack with thousands at a time from below you and you can't run away (why can't you run?), so you'll end up getting fucked because you can't shoot down or up.
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
November 12, 2006, 18:35
1547 posts

Nice game. I haven't gotten anywhere near the 500s though. But that means the game has replay value, so I might some day in the future. :) I'll put it on a GP2X as soon as mine arrives from the store! The game makes me think of your sesamstreet game which had a kind of similar style to this one.

Navigating is kind of hard for me in this game and frankly I have no idea where I'm going all the time. Maybe an on-screen map would be a good idea? It seems the black police man has the most superior weapon, although I also like the white police guy's weapon, but his reloading takes too long. The woman's weapon is just bad, I think she would be better if her grenate had a longer (vertical) reach. But I suppose you pick to play with her if you are a pro. Or a girl.

Sadly the Windows stickie keys window turned up all the time for me while playing. The default settings are that when you press five times shift the stickie keys settings turn up automatically. Basically if you're playing full screen and you're in heavy secondary weapon action then it beams you back to windows and you die. :annoyed: Luckily you can stop stickie keys from using that combination, but still it's default so probably more people will encounter it.

Overall quite a nice game, and you're still good at graphics too.
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November 12, 2006, 19:44
t money
22 posts

wow, you guys were quick with feedback. thanks.

intially i had the zombies only coming from the sides (left and right), but when i started working on the functions to take the characters across the street i thought it made sense to have some zombies becoming from there (below). i agree, it does make it harder, and that's something that concerned
me. the reason you can't shoot up or down is really because it would mean 3 times the work for me. i'd have to animate everything in 3 directions (side, up, down) and i'm trying to avoid it if i can. do you think i should just have the zombies coming from the sides? or do you think it would be worth it for me to make up/down animations?

as far as running, i agree, it doesn't make any sense for human beings not to run in this situation. my concern about running (other than just creating more animations) is that it might be too easy; that the threat of being zombified would be really reduced. keep in mind that the rate of zombies for this demo was greater than it will be for the game. additionally, i'm trying to keep in mind scale here. while i'd love to think that i'm going to create a large city, the reality of the situation is that the city will probably be smaller than i'd like (much more like a town). and i REALLY don't want to have a game where you can just run from one end of the city to the other. i could put in a run limit (like in grand theft auto), where you can only run for so long. what would you think about that? or do you have other ideas?

Navigation is DEFINITELY a concern. for the purposes of this demo, there is no where to go. like i said, there are three areas, but no significance to any of them, they are just more places to walk. did you guys try going down to the bottom edge and across the street? i'm worried that that will cause confusion when it flips perspectives. when i have this thing a bit more fleshed out i definitely plan to have a map. i was thinking you would get to the map from the pause screen. what i'm considering doing is allowing the player to select a point on the map as a destination, and then, in the game, there will be an arrow overhead that will direct you towards your destination at all times. what would you think about that?

yeah, i was hoping you guys would give me feed back about balance (as far as the different characters). the way it works is one bullet can kill one zombie. all characters have six bullets in a full clip. the girl shoots one bullet at a time and so only kills one zombie at a time. the white guy shoots two bullets in one shot, and the black guy shoots three in a row. i tried to balance them a bit by making the black guy the slowest and giving the girl grenades, but the black is still too powerful. the advantage of the grenades is that they can kill an unlimited number of zombies, however, the rapid shooting and quick reload by the black guy make him the easiest to use. i would suggest though, if you are using the girl, use her more as a long range character. i definitely will have to do some tweaking to balance them out.

i always forget about sticky keys. i planned on having reconfiguable keys anyway, though.
surrogate: wink... did you say wink, or did you wink?

michael: he said that too dad.
November 12, 2006, 20:49
1547 posts

did you guys try going down to the bottom edge and across the street?
All I can remember is that there were zombies everywhere and then...everything blacked out! But yeah I also went down some times. I didn't really have a sense of where I was going (or that the map flipped).

i was thinking you would get to the map from the pause screen. what i'm considering doing is allowing the player to select a point on the map as a destination, and then, in the game, there will be an arrow overhead that will direct you towards your destination at all times. what would you think about that?

That sounds like a good plan. Then at least you won't have to think about getting somewhere when your surrounding is crowded with zombies.
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