C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project


I now officially declare this project as dead. I currently don't even have the tools installed to build the damn thing, nor do I want to.

2dsupershoot was a nice project to get me started again into gamedev and was a nice introduction to C++, SDL and OpenGL.
(Posted on July, 20th 2009, 23:40)


Yay! I updated htbaa.com with my HtbaaNET API and finished the login screen for 2dsupershoot. Graphically it's not a state of the art but it'll do! All that's left to do now for milestone 5 is the creation of accounts. Which will be easy to do. I only have to take care of adding some special characters used in e-mail addresses. The same goes for the username and password.

When milestone 5 is done all there's left to do (spread of 5 other milestones) is creating the levels, improving sounds, fix small graphic errors, make a binary level format and add the submission and retrieval of highscores. I hope to finish it by the end of this year though :-). Here's a screenshot.

(Posted on November, 9th 2008, 23:36)

Text input

Small post for today because I need to go to bed. I added a KETextInput class which allows me, when the object is activated, to enter text. It needs a bit more work so I can specify what characters it can accept (captials, lower case, numbers, other symbols).

Now this is working nicely already I say it's time for me to finish the current milestone really soon.
(Posted on November, 3rd 2008, 00:30)

Splash screens *update*

UPDATE 18-10-2008:
I just added the splash screens. Yay! Still need to put my own credits in it though. But the fading screens work, together with music that'll fade out after it's done :-).
The thing that kept me away from working on 2dsupershoot was that I had to create new resources. But I gathered all my courage together and started doing some work again!

It has been over 2 months since I did some actual coding so the project has been on hold for a while. Besides I was also side tracked by a couple of other projects.

When I began the project I decided to stick as much as possible to my design document, and so far I haven't strayed too much from it. I originally intended to give credit to where credit is due. So I grabbed the credits screen from the original game and DIV2 had a nice Hammer Technologies splash screen as well.

I've also made a simple Htbaa's Gaming Projects splash screen.

So any time soon I'll add the splash screens so I can cross off another point of the checklist that goes with the current milestone. If I finish this milestone then I'm more or less done with composing all the graphical resources. Most stuff left to do after that is just coding. Which I really should pick up soon!
(Posted on October, 16th 2008, 23:47)

Not yet forgotten!

OK, it's been over a month now when I did some real work on 2dsupershoot. You could say the project has been halted for a month now.

What's going on? Well, first of all, I was away on a vacation. During that vacation I was reading a interesting book about AI Engines. So after I came back I was eager to put it into practice. The thing is, I decided to do it with BlitzMax. So all of my time has gone to that. I'm getting more serious about BlitzMax as well since I bought a license for BLIde (a great BlitzMax IDE) and as well bought SpriteForge . The last one will allow me to generate spritesheets from my own hand-crafted models (Wings3D for the win!).

In a nutshell, my time went to experimenting with another language, IDE and modeling (which is quite difficult if you ask me!).

BUT! 2dsupershoot hasn't been forgotten! I still intend to finish it this year. Although the end of the year is coming rather fast right now. And if I'm ever going to implement all the things on my "Future Features" list it could just as well take a 4 months extra (-well, with my current speed it will).

The last progress on 2dsupershoot was actually on HtbaaNET. I'm able to register accounts from within the game and also to login. Which is quite fun.

Still, there's a lot of work to be done for Milestone #5. I need to get some splash screens done, which means I need to open up my favorite drawing application. Which is as most will know my weakest point. I'm bad at graphics/art. Very bad. So I'm not really excited about doing so.

I also need to get the in-game keyboard done. Or at least, something that'll allow the player to enter his or her username and login, or register.

So all in all it's now a whole lot that needs to be done, so it's not that bad. I just need to be in the right mood to get some work done. And at this moment, my mood lays with BlitzMax, BLide, SpriteForge and Wings3D. Although that mood isn't very stable as well.

Anyway, 2dsupershoot is still a ongoing project!
(Posted on August, 24th 2008, 19:10)

Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project
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