C++ 2D Shooter project (Htbaa's Worklog)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > KEMusic and sound placeholders

KEMusic and sound placeholders

Haven't done too much work on 2dsupershoot since the last worklog post. I thought I had fixed the OpenGL bug where texture id's were being overwritten. Earlier today I saw them once again. It has something to do with the newly textures created after creating a text with SDL_ttf and then converting it. So this is on my to do list. As well as splitting up the level background since some video cards don't support large textures.

I did make some progress though with my sound implementation. My KESound class isn't done yet but I did some renaming. I decided that music playing shouldn't be part of KESound, instead KEMusic was born. With SDL_Mixer only 1 music file can be played and it isn't affected by any effects over normal sounds. So currently it contains all the functionality I need.

Now I can play music and sound I searched for some placeholders. I got some .s3m and .xm audio files from DIV2 which will do for now. As well as the laser and explosion sound. These are of course placeholders until I find something better. Now that sound is being added it really makes the game more lively and I realized I should have done it earlier.

The boss fight is getting worked on as well. The evil guy can already show up and can get damaged as well as destroyed. But all very basic. I need to implement the various attack patterns which once done will make him a tough guy to beat. But more fun!

To score some big points on the online leaderboards you'll need to get through the levels and especially win the boss fight. The score multiplier can increase big time which in turn will add a lot of points once the poor guy gets killed.

Currently I'm starting to get at the point where I think it'll be total overkill to implement a online account system for high score submission. Although I do plan on using it for future projects currently I'm not sure about using a online account system. Yes, you avoid people from using semi-duplicate names or any other name fraud. But is it really worth the time and effort? I'm going to think about it some more. Currently it's not something I really need to worry about since it isn't part of the current milestone. But still... It's always good to think ahead.
(Posted on June, 22nd 2008, 23:06)


DTM said:
Name fraud is all part of the fun!
(Posted on June, 25th 2008, 15:17)

Rincewind said:
With "Using semi-duplicate names" do you mean using a different name each time you reach the high score? Because it wouldn't really be fair to call that fraud, it's the right you earn for reaching the high scores!
(Posted on June, 26th 2008, 19:28)

Htbaa said:
I don't want someone filling up the leaderboards like this:

1. Mr. Xz
2. Mr. Xzz
3. Mr. Xzzz


Instead of calling it name-fraud I think name-abuse is a better word for it.

Anyway, I did some testing with the different API's and Catalyst framework I'll be using for my website and online account system and all seems to be working. So this weekend I think I'll be working on the boss fight again :-).
(Posted on June, 26th 2008, 21:05)

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Worklogs > Htbaa's Worklogs > C++ 2D Shooter project > KEMusic and sound placeholders
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