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Message Board > Site bugs/ideas > Profanity

September 11, 2005, 19:06
1194 posts

Quoting PEader:
Why not filter it and give an option in the user control panel to turn it off?

I suggested this twice.
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
September 11, 2005, 19:26
722 posts

I think if we do use a filter, the default should be off.
boredome is the bitter fruit of too much routine
September 11, 2005, 19:41
Defender of the faith
630 posts

I'm really not that offended by sexual founded swearwords, other then that I find them rude (which they obviously are) and that some people frequently use them in seriously perverted context. About the rest I've already made my point.

And about the sensoring: I just came up with a brilliant idea ;). We could make sensoring optional, that way we keep all the members satisfied. Only problem is that net nannies may still block the site because of it...
September 12, 2005, 02:34
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

PB reads nothing.
September 12, 2005, 20:42
Defender of the faith
630 posts

Hence the ";)"...
September 12, 2005, 21:06
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Damn that was way to subtle for me.
September 12, 2005, 22:31
Defender of the faith
630 posts

Yeah, I thought so
September 13, 2005, 21:05
1194 posts

Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
September 19, 2005, 16:15
1486 posts

Quoting Sandman:
Quoting PEader:
Why not filter it and give an option in the user control panel to turn it off?
I suggested this twice.

Sorry. :'-(
I see 57,005 people.
September 19, 2005, 18:06
1194 posts

Quoting PEader:
Quoting Sandman:
Quoting PEader:
Why not filter it and give an option in the user control panel to turn it off?
I suggested this twice.
Sorry. :'-(

For JUST THIS ONCE, I will be forgiving.:aharr:
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
September 20, 2005, 21:05
21 posts
Swearing fine, depends again on users.

Personal attacks, religion bashing etc should be banned as this is very offensive.
September 20, 2005, 23:07
821 posts

(some) school filters will content block this site if it has swearing.
September 22, 2005, 18:34
21 posts
People are at school to work, not chat on a message board. FFS I have to teach 18 year olds who have had years of schooling who can't even read and their writing is just like a text message, no proper english used at all, and this is just bull, these youngsters should be starting their working lives are going to college but yet they find themselves not able to get employment and are much more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.

Jesus it looks like the next generation is gonna be like it was 30 or 40 years ago with alot of people leaving school without even the most rudimentary skills to survive in todays economically driven society. And as for results on the up it is a faciad, schools have been instructed not to penalise to keep results up: -


C y 2moro instead of "See you tomorrow!"

I get �35 an hour for teaching a glorified syllabus which is basically primary school maths to young adults and it just infuriates me that they weren't helped more in school.

My rant over but it just peefs me off to see youngsters who aren't able to read or write, sure if may be a good number for me but thats not the point.
September 22, 2005, 18:40
games are terrible
-9616558 posts


Yeah, school filters don't tend to catch swearing automatically, that's stupid because you can get so much that is innocent.
Most filters just have specified sites that get blocked, and by all the school filters I've seen Boolean Soup will get blocked because it has "games" on it.
September 22, 2005, 21:24
1548 posts

I never met a schoolfilter, must be something UKish. ;)

And Dazzy:

Maybe the reason for todays youth problems should be searched within the schools - they are damn factories these days, pumping and stamping the knowledge into pupils. They do the total opposite of stimulating brain usage; it softens up pupils mentally. There's no room at all for self deployment, thinking or creativity. No wonder people want to leave school or take refuge in drugs. Half of my class uses drugs - and I'm in the highest education form available (for my age).
Personal website:
September 22, 2005, 22:36
21 posts
The schools in my region are actually excellent with class sizes averaging 20, most tutors will bend over backwards to help the kids but there are always cases where kids slip through and in the majority of the cases if you delve into their private lives their parents shy away from any sort of formal written work(Thats where I come in, give the parents more self confidence and it rubs of on their kids!).

Part of my Degree was research into various reasons for the recent upflux of skills shortages in the UK and reading and writing problems topped the list by a large margin.

Further research showed that within the last 5 or so years exams in this country have become so dumbed down that to even progress onto A-levels (Well if you could call them that, I just looked at an A-Level Maths paper from last year and alot of the stuff I done in my Higher tier GCSE maths, you figure) is a major headache.

Too much emphasis has been put on ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) skills in recent years and rudimentally core subjects are suffering, Maths, English and the sciences.

The only thing I agree with on the GCSE maths syllabus these days was the introduction of alot more stats, as stats are required for a lot of jobs in industry today.

I helped a middle aged woman last year who was doing her GCSE English and I was appauled when she was told to Word Process all her essays, how the hell do you assess someones handwriting like that?

So thats why I would recommend a trade to any young person these days, spend two years getting an apprentiship and then go to university, you always have the trade to fall back on.

[Edited on September 22, 2005 by Dazzy]
September 23, 2005, 11:15
games are terrible
-9616558 posts

Quoting Dazzy:
I helped a middle aged woman last year who was doing her GCSE English and I was appauled when she was told to Word Process all her essays, how the hell do you assess someones handwriting like that?
That's interesting, we were told to write them out by hand, and then re-write them on the compy to make the presentation look better if we so wished.
Which I think is a good idea anyway. It's not fair to downgrade people because you cannot read their handwriting, I can't read mine half of the time, but you should at least get some practice.
September 23, 2005, 13:27
Starving Artist
520 posts

I found a lot of my exams and my schooling quite easy, I got fairly good A Levels with very little effort. Yet I saw lots of people at college fail simply because they did less work than me, which to be fair, is basically zero. I don't know much on the other side of the fence, but I know that most people do bad because they just don't put the effort or the time in.

By the way, I've always found it funny how IT courses place more emphasis on business than the machines themselves.
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