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Message Board > C/C++ > XNA Game Studio

January 27, 2010, 03:19
792 posts

Ok I've taken the plunge and decided to code my next game demo/game in XNA Game Studio 3.1 with C#.

I bought "XNA Game Studio Creator's Guide 2nd Edition" which I took some time in choosing in the bookstore. It covers basic game programming to terrains, natural collision detection, lighting techniques and shading effects using HLSL.

So no more messing around with Game Dev languages.

I think I wanted to make a project with a more up-to-date platform, and something that was definately object-orientated, well supported etc. Of course I also own an XBox360, so porting to that is very easy. GDK dosen't quite cut it for me anymore, though my excursions were fun.

I did want to keep things cross-platform, with Sandman in my ear about it all the time. But in the end this is an area of programming I can take into my future career, right? Even if it is purely Microsoft.

Has anyone tried learning XNA? Or thinks they may have a go? I know PEader was asking in this same forum whether to maybe go with GDK or XNA.
January 27, 2010, 11:09
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

Congrats of passing to XNA I have it and worked with it for awhile with the help of Charleh =] he was trying to teach me C# with it.

anyway the program is kinda cool, thought I didn't manage to create any graphics using it so far hehehe

but I do intend of continue the use of it in the near future because I'm studying computer sciense now, first degree and all.

oh and I uderstand you about choosing abit more advanced and industrial used computer language, I'm thinking the same right now because lets face it... I need to learn this language (c,c++,c#) in order to get a job in this country :P

so making games using it will make me an ace ^__^

wish you good luck with the new program its quite similar to Div/Fenix/Bennu in many ways lol :P and yet so diffrent.
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
January 27, 2010, 11:32
1194 posts

Ah not to worry, XNA will be ported to Linux if not already. ;)
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
October 18, 2010, 09:49
2094 posts

Posting a C# (Micro$oft) in C/C++ forum is kinda like posting commecrials about Evian, Spa or Vittel water in a forum about suporting free drinking water for the Middle East.
October 21, 2010, 14:13
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

Free drinking water for the middle east? eh? O_o
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
October 26, 2010, 10:50
2094 posts

You know what I'm talking about, but this is going off topic :p
May 12, 2013, 00:18
2094 posts

Ok, so I installed Visual C# Express Studio and XNA.

Good to know it's available for free!

I might give this a shot, although it's been a while since I done any OO programming.

I have a little idea in my head, I might just work something out!
May 12, 2013, 01:29
641 posts
I made a game in XNA with C#, so I have some decent experience. My knowledge is far back though. I still have the original project.
August 19, 2014, 20:12
2094 posts

Hmm interesting, please share it :D

Message Board > C/C++ > XNA Game Studio

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