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Message Board > Fenix / Bennu / Gemix / DIV > Gemmix vs Bennu

June 17, 2009, 16:38
1338 posts
Hi there!
I don't mean for anyone to take this too far, but it'd be really interesting to see how Bennu squares up to Gemmix. Not that I mean which is better per-se, mind - more where the advantages of each lie. They are after a different market, afterall.

So, what are the main advatanges of each? That Gemix offers a dev-environment seems a pretty big one to me, esp. for begginers. That Bennu is nearing version 1.0, and is open source is a point in its favour...
June 18, 2009, 03:07
1194 posts

Note: I have updated this list with stuff from later posts.

strong points:
- Using ddraw for speedy graphical blits.
- It is most probable that it has a better sound library, perhaps they even have an MP3 license.
- Has mode8.

bad points:
- The language lacks as a language of today (it has no float for example), it's DIV2 compatible and that's it (in a future beta release additions will be made).
- Gemix is now free (beta), but once it is released, you'll have to pay for it.
- Windows only (Linux and Mac will be supported sometime).

strong points:
- The language is more up to date and sires more features (OnExit and GOTO for example)
- Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
- A wider range of operating systems and hardware it runs on: windows, linux, gp2x... any OS actually, because it's FOSS. Currently there are versions for: Windows, Linux, GP2X and Wii. There will be an official GP2X Wiz port too (GamePark holdings are sending a unit, even). And don't forget the Pandora.

bad points:
- Well, seen as I am biased towards Bennu, I don't know any bad points. I tried to be impartial in this post, though.

- Both have 3D libraries.
- Bennu has a networking library - well three, but one is totally crap and the other are hardcore sockets (not that different though), but I don't know if Gemix has one.
- Before this gets a debate about GOTO: you don't have to use it.
- I heard that if you make a commercial game using Gemix, you have to pay some moneys to the Gemix team, but I have absolutely no proof or quote for that, so I hope Cictec can confirm or deny that.
- I don't know about the Gemix module system (whether it is documented and open or not), but Bennu's module system enabled me to use Bennu in this University project.

So it's rather a question of what you want to do with it. Do you want it to run on systems other than x86 and Windows? Then the choice is obvious. If you want to use it to run old DIV games, then too. Like you say, Gemix is more aimed towards users just beginning with programming, while Bennu has a broader audience in general.

Note that there is an English board for Bennu too:
And IRC: #bennu on (#bilge is still alive too, mind!)

[Edited on June 18, 2009 by Sandman]
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June 18, 2009, 12:25
49 posts
To resume the features mentioned by Sandman, these are the points on Gemix:
- It is not possible at present to develop a commercial games, it takes the final version for this, but you can develop games freeware.
- The mode8 does not exist yet
- Versions for linux (more advanced linux at the moment) and mac are in development, so games can be for windows only at the moment
- The language does not have advanced features of modern languages (currently only DIV2), they will be introduced in the next beta's

If you are interested in both languages, the best for you is follow the development from time to time and depending on the projects you want to develop, decide whether to use one or both.
June 18, 2009, 13:52
2094 posts

Quoting Sandman:
- It is most probable that it has a better sound library, perhaps they even have an MP3 license.

Can someone confirm this?

Quoting Sandman:
Note that there is an English board for Bennu too:
And IRC: #bennu on (#bilge is still alive too, mind!)

Good to mention, the place is often like a wasteland with tumble weeds.
June 18, 2009, 14:03
49 posts
Quoting Dennis:
Quoting Sandman:
- It is most probable that it has a better sound library, perhaps they even have an MP3 license.

Can someone confirm this?

Exactly what you want to know, MP3 or sound system.
June 18, 2009, 20:07
1194 posts

Quoting CicTec:
Quoting Dennis:
Quoting Sandman:
- It is most probable that it has a better sound library, perhaps they even have an MP3 license.

Can someone confirm this?

Exactly what you want to know, MP3 or sound system.

Hm both. Does it have features Bennu's doesn't? If so, what features?
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
June 18, 2009, 20:45
49 posts
Gemix supports the MP3 format, the license in any case must be purchased separately, however in some cases it may be used without paying.

Do not know exactly what are the audio features of Bennu, if you want to know if the Gemix support it's, you must indicate all.
June 18, 2009, 21:09
1194 posts

Bennu has the same as DIV2 except that you can't change the frequency. Although there is an external library available that does that I think. It's for Fenix, but the source code is available.
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
June 18, 2009, 21:15
49 posts
Quoting Sandman:
Bennu has the same as DIV2 except that you can't change the frequency.

supports a structure to set general parameters such as volume or mixer ?, and what do you refer to the frequency
June 18, 2009, 23:56
1194 posts

In DIV you could set the speed at which the sound would be played, so I didn't mean frequency (well you could call it like that, but that would be too technical). There are variables and functions to set volume globally or per channel and stuff like frequency.
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
June 19, 2009, 13:15
49 posts
Ok, I gave a glance at the complete system of Bennu, has shortcomings as functionality than DIV, however, a slight better sound quality.
What you know was interested in the comparison with Gemix.
Gemix supports everything that supports Bennu and much more.
The quality of the system is that of commercial games of last generation.
June 19, 2009, 13:22
1194 posts

Quoting CicTec:
Gemix supports everything that supports Bennu and much more.

Could you elaborate?
Yes, my avatar has grey borders in IE (so get a decent browser)
June 19, 2009, 13:28
49 posts
I believe that what you want is a comprehensive comparison of all the specifications and quality, but to do so you must give me a detailed list of everything that supports Bennu (audio formats, hz, bits, functions ...).
June 21, 2009, 04:56
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

dudes... Leave Div alone Bennu beats all the copycat programs :P its better then Gemix and you guys know it! its free its awsome and it can do tons of stuff that Gemix won't be able to do cool like Bennu and as a bonus you can make games for consols isnt that just awsome?! :O
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
June 21, 2009, 11:22
49 posts
Sorry, but this is nonsense, at this moment Bennu is more advanced in some things (it inherits a lot of work done in Fenix), but Gemix is in others, but overall a freeware program can not include commercial libraries of high quality.

In any case Gemix can include everything including Bennu and even more, it's only a matter of time.
August 6, 2009, 07:19
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

mate you don't need hight quality libraries in order to create realy good games because they can be created even with the first Div - have u played "Bert the barbarian"? that looked extremly proffesional...

its not about libraries, its like drawing mate - you can buy the most expensive and most awsome drawing tablet but it won't do you any good if you can't draw anything~!

if your a good programmer and u have the will and fire in you then you will fight untill your game is truly awsome~!

CicTec, I think you act realy arrogant in this discussion, you explain how much your project is great and better but in reality you don't have nothing to present and brag about...
I mean yea its true that your project's goals are high but it doesn't mean that you earned the right to say that your program is truly better and that Bennu fails because "a freeware program can not include commercial libraries of high quality" which is another way to say that Bennu is low quality and it will fail...that's not nice of you to say and I don't like ur tone mate.

please u guys be informative because it looks like you two try to act adult but still hide information from one another
I shall remind you that both of you didn't reach the end yet...
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
August 6, 2009, 10:06
49 posts

I think you are quite confused, I never said that Gemix is better than Bennu, I only responded to people who were saying the opposite, indicating that Bennu is simply the most advanced, inheriting at least 80% of libraries (3D, network, etc ...) by Fenix.

I even said that Bennu as the language at this moment is better than Gemix containing only compatible with div2.

Similarly, if right now you want to develop a 3D game, or use bennu or anything, Gemix does not have a 3D engine at the moment.

Otherwise if you want to make a 2D game, especially in 32bits, or get a better sound quality, Gemix appears better at this I mean I do not say that the Bennu is better Gemix.

In the case of 3D, the choice is Bennu without debate at the moment, in the second case Gemix is better Bennu and not the other way.

On commercial libraries ...
If you use Bennu is because it is FREE and you do not have to pay anything, but if you need to begin paying for library quality, they end the advantage of the FREE, pay as you would Gemix Studio.

As for comparisons, if they could start putting a controversy, if not put me find that post as of now your accusing me of being arrogant. please agree.
August 7, 2009, 03:08
Ariel Yust
Bloodcoughted Yozik
291 posts

I shall agree that I made you answer informativly right now and I'm pleased by that - I havn't heard anything negetive so I'm pleased =]

maybe you find me confused, and maybe I realy didn't understand what you were meaning, but from what I could understand from the side and feel is totaly diffrent.

its awsome that people work on programs that help people to create here own games, and I wish you and your team also the best of luck that I wish the Bennu team.

Please get along and keep this topic informative =] again Gemix is not judged by how complete it is and why Bennu is more advanced right now... no... its about - Why would we the "clients" use both of the programs for? whats each programs bonus ~ when complete! and not right now! =P cos right now u both haven't got it complete ^__^

again best of luck to you two~!
Get bitten by a vampire or at least at my own character muhahahaha!
August 7, 2009, 10:32
49 posts
It 'nice that we have clarified this issue in the best way.

If someone has said or done to believe the opposite, as you can see it is not true, if you are simply confused, no problem, it can happen.

I have no problem on the fact that you can use one or both of these programs if you want or is deemed appropriate.

Keep the thread updated on progress of Gemix as required.

Thanks for the good wishes and good job.

Message Board > Fenix / Bennu / Gemix / DIV > Gemmix vs Bennu

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